
My feeling about X(Twitter).

X (Twitter) was experiencing user retention and expansion due to the previous management’s idea of ‘messing up the TL order to play with trends and promote fights’.

Next, when Elon Musk pardoned and reinstated the accounts of Alternative Right, advertisers pulled their ads. This exposed the fact that social networking sites that depend on advertising revenue are controlled by the wishes of advertisers.

The cash-strapped centralized SNSs started subscriber businesses using monetization as a substitute for reduced advertising revenue, exposing the fact that “even spam aimed at the number of impressions can be more precious than the usability of unpaid users and all users.

Conflicts based on ideology and taste continue to occur to this day, and the fact that only the greatest common denominator of expression is allowed on a centralized SNS is exposed every day as numerous users’ accounts are deleted.

In other words, the freedom of users to customize the information they view and to say what they like is no longer possible in such places.

Why is this site so heavy?

The site is heavy.
The rental server is heavy.
The 3D CAD data I am assembling at work now is heavy.
…… body weight of Gargoyle Gecko has exceeded the 30g.

Sorry This post is Japanese only(Advertising Japanese web shop).

Sorry This post is Japanese only(Advertising Japanese web shop).
DRAGON Procreate drawing UKIYOE
I started YouTube channel.
Please subscribe and good button.

board and dragon line

dragon line work #ink #dragon #wip #workinprogress #japan #traditional #illustration #art #artwork #line

kota_nakatsuboさん(@kota_nakatsubo)が投稿した動画 -

Follow me(`・ω・´)
I’m uploading Artwork photos and making movies, aquarium photo.
This movie is dragon line. (more…)

Dear Customers who ordered me the hoodies in Australia on April 9.

DSCF2185_1Dear Customers who ordered me the hoodies in Australia on April 9.
An e-mail address input into an input form seems to be wrong.
I cannot reply.
I wait for communication.
Please contact me here Link.