I made Gecko Hand of Japanese traditional design style.
The Japanese refer to the challenges that must be resolved in order to achieve a goal as “kabe” (walls).
We want to climb that high wall as easily as a gecko. I designed the pattern with this wish in mind.

I’m not doing well like a gecko.

I had made a rough sketch before the summer, but I was busy with work and didn’t have the energy to open Adobe Illustrator.One of the reasons is that I struggled too much with Pachypodium diamond shape last time.

However, this design almost takes shape with reflections, copies and rotations.Once I started making the data, I was able to complete the Bezier data in no time.

Paradoxically, not much that is truly easy exists.

However, a problem arises again this time.
If you noticed it just from this picture, you are awesome. I have created two versions of Gecko Hand.

A version with more folds on the gecko’s fingers (left image) and a version with fewer folds (right image).

These were made to prevent them from becoming too thin and collapsing when silk-screen printing in the future. However, cutting also looked difficult, so I cut them experimentally.


On September 8 I turned 35; if I lived twice as long I would be 70. I don’t know when I will die, but considering the general human life expectancy, I would say that I am at the turn of the cycle. I will be active in filling my paintings with what I have come to love.