
”Fall in love with the game” The Artist Series in Intel Gaming

I had the honor of working with Intel.

Tiger vs Dragon UKIYO-E

tiger_dragon1024 An illustration of Tiger vs Dragon was completed.
It took effort with a conventional Artwork most. The original Artwork is more attractive.

Crap remake 2011

This is golden crap.
I didn’t used a gold color. But look like golden crap.
If you click “more”, You can see the finish artwork. (more…)

Koi! Knife! rough sketch!

imageimage I noticed that my interest moved from “traditional gallantness” to “the plural intention in the screen”.
DRAGON Procreate drawing UKIYOE
I started YouTube channel.
Please subscribe and good button.


betta_quo80 I’m come back!
These fish inhabit the Thai Mekong.
